Thank couriers

A large campaign of gratitude to the heroes of COVID-19 — Yandex Eats couriers included the «Life in the City Continues at Home» video and a simple symbol, with which thousands of people shared their thanks on social media.

Client: Yandex. Agency: Magic Camp (in‑house). Team: Lilia Popovskaya, Tatiana Kolotilova, Olga Veretinskaya, Liza Dovzhik. Role: Designer. Year: 2020. Recognitions: Big Picture Festival Bronze.



«Thanks, Ivan!» Sharing the name of courier after order in Yandex Eats

Printed stikers

Printed stikers in Yandex Eats orders

Social networks
Social networks
Just ride to visit
Uber. Just ride to visit
Cardboard media
Yandex Market. Cardboard Media